We attend the lecture where Proton used to manufacture their car..Usually those who came here they will study about the car, but us-we study how to be a teacher..hehe..Really weird,but thats the true.We are lucky to have our lecture here although it takes about 10 minutes from UPSI Main Campus.it is because its a nice building to have lecture...yeah..this is my friends from Sarawak and Sabah..
UPSI at Proton City
We attend the lecture where Proton used to manufacture their car..Usually those who came here they will study about the car, but us-we study how to be a teacher..hehe..Really weird,but thats the true.We are lucky to have our lecture here although it takes about 10 minutes from UPSI Main Campus.it is because its a nice building to have lecture...yeah..this is my friends from Sarawak and Sabah..
Inilah SIB Tanjung Malim, di Perak.Dikendalikan oleh Pastor Jumi,yang bertemakan Rise Up Generation Ministry dan kebanyakan jemaat gereja adalah di kalangan bakal-bakal guru yang masih belajar di UPSI. Agak terkejut juga ramai juga pelajar SIB yang dari Sarawak.Tetapi paling ramai adalah dari Sabah.mereka amat aktif dalam pelayanan di sini walaupun dengan bebanan assignment yang banyak,mereka tetap dapat menganjurkan banyak aktiviti gereja dan juga luar gereja spt Saya Pengikut Kristus(SPK), Persatuan Kristian UPSI (PERKUPSI),Excellent Student Camp,etc..
Minggu Aluan Pelajar
Why is the Minggu Aluan Pelajar looks biasa jer owh?are they welcome us well or not,or just buat meriah majlis..apapun, yang bestnya,Naib Canselor UPSI dapat datang dan saya nampak Prof in i memang menepati masa..dalam gambar ini, merupakan kawan-kawan yang baru dijumpai dan kenalan...tak ramai la lelaki..mana perginya lelaki?hanya 8% jer laki saya nampak drpd 92 orang perempuan>>>
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