The Pray......

First Prayer

Thanks be to you for the hope for the better future that keeps us going.

Please help us to remember to be thankful for all that we have to be thankful here in the present.

We often feel like we know what is going on. You humble us by telling us that we don't. You know what is going on, and it is in accordance with thy will for our lives. Thy will be done.

We hope our lives will be good and filled with blessings from you.
Bless us as befits thy will.

Forgive me. Help me to forgive others. Heal me. Heal others.

Guide me.

You are great - more than I can possibly imagine.

Thy will be done.


Second Prayer


I am not yet what you would want to perfect me into. I pray that day by day you would get me closer, and each day, close enough to meet the challenges of that day.

Thank you for hope for the future, and help me be contented with the present. I have been blessed by you substantially in the present and I pray that I might not take it for granted, but continue to thank you as is your due, and to hope and pray for the continuation of such blessings.

Thy will be done.

Guide me.

You are great.

Thy will be done.
