Lovely Qoutes

Just want 2 share a few words of wisdom to feed ur heart n mind..I think it is useful to brighten our day..

1.The difference between the successful person and the unsuccessful person is the unsuccessful person stops short of his goals, the successful person surpasses his goals.
Copyright 2003 Joseph P.Martino

2.The successful person goes the"extra mile,the failure never reaches the "half-way" point.
Copyright 2003 Joseph P.Martino

3.The high price of success is bought,paid and purchased with blood,sweat and tears.
Copyright 2003 Joseph P.Martino

4."Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old." Franz Kafka

5."I can make it a day long to be remembered for its joy, its beauty and its achievements, or it can be filled with pettiness." Author Unknown.

6."The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt

7."Without you being just the way you are, we would not have such beauty." Author Unknown,

8."Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not." Ralph Waldo Emerson

9."Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts." Rachel Carson

10."Charm is more than beauty." Yiddish Proverb

11."Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart." Kahlil Gibran

12."I never saw an ugly thing in my life: for let the form of an object be what it may - light, shade, and perspective will always make it beautiful." John Constable

I love all of these I wanted to share it with all of my friends out there... :)

Psiko Test..hehe

If you could have the third eye on your body, where would you put it on?
1) Your head
2) Your heart
3) Your back
4) Your hand

1) You have no respect to your lover, instead, you often exploit him/her. As far as love is concerned, you are too QUICK. You easily fall in love with someone and leave him/her right away when you get bored.
2) Since you are scared of being cheated by the others or not wanting to be disappointed again, you, therefore seem to be contented with your unrequited love.
3) It takes you a long time and big effort before falling in love with someone. But, once you are in love, you will love him/her with all your heart, sincerely and forever
4) It is hard for you to get deeply involved with someone. Most of your relationships are just more than friends but less than lovers.


Your selection of the chair can tell you the type of person you are.
1) Cloth covered
2) Leather covered
3) Wood
4) Cushioned
5) One with a built-in massager

1) You want your partner (girlfriend/boyfriend) to be together with you always, no matter when or where.
2) You want your partner (girlfriend/boyfriend) to be more open with you about himself/herself.
3) You want your partner (girlfriend/boyfriend) to take more care of his/her dress and manner.
4) You want your partner (girlfriend/boyfriend) to be a little bit more relaxed, calm and composed.
5) One with built-in massager. You want your partner (girlfriend/boyfriend) to do more for you.

The message behind the question:
A chair is for sitting on. If you choose to sit on certain chair, you have no suspicions or distrust towards it. This is the same psychology present in our relationship with the people we like. In other words, the qualities you look for in a chair are similar to the qualities you look for in a partner.


** 1 9 5 0 **
What is your first thought when you saw the above number?
1) Year
2) Phone number
3) Money
4) Combination code in a locker room

1) You think he/she is very smart love his/her brain.
2) You love his/her personality....Everything he/she does is beautiful.
3) Let's face love his/her money.
4) You love his/her like a good looking person.


You decided to go for a cave tour. What kind of caves do you want to visit?
1) Cave with a narrow entrance but a wide exit.
2) Cave with a same space of entrance and exit.
3) Cave with a wide entrance but a narrow exit.

The philosophy behind this test indicates how you spend your money......
1) You easily spend your money much more than what you earn.
2) You keep balance between the money you can earn and the money you spend.
3) Stingy you! Though you have earned a lot of money but you hardly spend it off.


There is a cake with plenty of room to put many more candles on it. How many more candles do you want to put on the cake?
1) One
2) Two
3) Three or four
4) More than five

1) Wow! You seem wanting to get married as soon as possible. You may get married at the age of 20 or right after you have finished your education.
2) You want to be married a little sooner than the other. However, you want your marriage to be agreed and pleased by the others.
3) You want to enjoy your youngster life as long as possible. So you don't want to be married too soon. You may get married when you are over 25 even you already have your steady loved one.
4) You are full of curiosity. You are curious about everything. You want to travel and accumulate your experience more and more. You want to prove yourself with the challenging work. You may enjoy your unmarried life until you are 30 or over even you have had so many lovers by then.


Noticing a new plant pop up from the ground, what is your first thought?
1) Glad and want it to grow quickly.
2) Be careful. Don't step on it.
3) Oh! Will it give flowers?
4) Thank God! Many thanks to you God, for its growth.
5) All right! No more watering!

This test indicates your attitude towards your parents....
1) You don't want your parents to interfere whatever you are doing.
2) You feel grateful to your parents for bringing you up and making you a nice person.
3) You rely on your parents so much and want them to be always close to you.
4) You have your sincere thanks to your parents.
5) You want to be self-survived as soon as possible.

Masa Muda Sekali Sahaja

Kata orang masa muda hanya sekali , jangan di persiakan..masa untuk enjoy , masa untuk mengetahui dan mencuba semua benda agar bila tua nanti tak menyesal...

Mak pula kata , masa muda masa untuk beramal dengan ilmu , beribadat , masa tenaga masih kuat , masa kudrat masih larat ,

Masa cari ilmu bina ketakwaan jaga keimanan...dan mak pesan jangan buat jahat sebab putik yang masih muda pun boleh gugur maka bersiap sedia mengingati mati...

Aku pula kata...ehmmm betul juga kata mak.

Kata orang ilmu tu penting untuk orang pandang tinggi pada kita , untuk hidup senang , untuk beli apa yang di idamkan , beli rumah besar , kereta mewah...barulah orang pandang tinggi bolehlah kita megah atas apa yang kita miliki...

Tapi mak kata " ilmu tu pembuka segala amal" ,makin berilmu makin tunduk pada kekuasaan Allah , makin mengakui dan
mengkagumi keesaan tuhan. Dengan ilmu juga kita berusaha untuk perbaiki diri ...dan mak selalu pesan ilmu kena diamalkan sebabnya Allah benci pada orang yang berilmu tapi tak mengamalkanya.

Aku pula kata.betul juga kata mak bukan betul jer tapi memang betul.

Orang kata , kita kena pandai cari dan ambil peluang , kesempatan yang ada jangan lepaskan , kena cepat.. nanti ketinggalan , jangan fikirkan orang lain yang penting diri kita kena di utamakan...

Tapi mak kata jangan bina kejayaan atas keruntuhan orang lain, jangan jatuhkan orang , rezeki di tangan tuhan ,kalau ada dapat kalau di takdirkan tak ada , usaha macam mana pun tak akan dapat. Mak pesan lagi jangan makan kawan kalau lapar sangat makan makanan yang halal ....lagi satu mak pesan usaha tu penting asas kejayaan ..

Aku pula kata ya.. mengiakan kata emak sambil mengangguk-anggukan kepalaku.

Kata orang kalau nak cari jodoh tu , carilah yang cantik sedap mata memandang, nanti tak lah jemu Pendidikan pun kena tinggi kalau tak , nak makan apa? ...pasir...biar dapat kereta sebiji sebagai mas kahwin tak pun insuran....(macam iklan kat era tu...pasal insuran)

Mak pula kata jodoh pertemuan di tangan tuhan , kalau nak cari , carilah yang beriman dan beramal dengan apa yang dia pelajari.jangan pandang paras rupa sebabnya kecantikan akan hilang tak kekal lama , budi pekerti dan agama yang penting...kahwin bukan untuk sehari dua tapi untuk seumur hidup ...maka jangan tersalah buat pilihan lalu mak pun menyanyikan lagu "kepada mu tuhan , kusandar harapan, moga tak tersalah pilihan, seandai dirinya ,tercipta untukku rela ku menjadi miliknya"

Aku pulak terkejut gila...fuyoo mak pandai nyanyi lagu ...tapi macam pernah dengar jer lagu nie.

Aku pulak kata betul juga kata mak pasal jodoh tu dalam hati kagum dengan mak , mak modenlah katakan brutal in iman lagi.

Kata orang "harimau mati tinggalkan belang ,manusia mati tinggalkan nama"

Mak pula kata ...manusia tak ada belang maka bila mati tak boleh tinggalkan belang macam Pak Belang tu....mak kata lagi "hidup biar berjasa" biar orang tak kenal dan tak sanjung kita tapi pastikan dapat tempat di sisi Allah yang Esa. Mak kata lagi kalau buat sesuatu jangan nakkan balasan , jangan buat kerana nama , pangkat , atau darjat tapi biarlah ikhlas kerana Allah. Mak kata lagi kalau itu yang kita kejarkan ..pangkat , nama , darjat , sanjungan kita akan dapat tapi di akhirat tiada yang menanti.

Namamu jangan terkenal , pintumu di tutup , mulutmu tersenyum,Perutmu lapar , hatimu luka, pangkatmu di pendam dan keaibanmu tersohor

Dan tiap-tiap hari menelan perasaan pahit dari pengaruh zaman dan teman,Sedangkan hatimu menurut,Siangmu sibuk mendamaikan orang tanpa membangkit-bangkitkan,

Ambillah kesempatan pada malam itu , jadikan ia persiapan untuk hari kiamat yang padanya sulit sekali mencari jalan.

Aku pula kata terima kasih mak betul apa yang mak cakap tu...aku tersenyum riang terima kasih iibu ,ratu hatiku , insan yang paling aku kasihi dalam dunia nie terima kasih atas nasihat mu.